About Step Communications

We are publishers of professional magazines and web sites

Established in 2000, Step Communications are specialists in serving the information needs of two key audiences: professionals involved in delivering selected core services within healthcare, and scientists responsible globally for formulating the next generation of personal care products.

To capture the attention of a professional audience, it is important to first deliver information in which they have a business interest. Having gained a reputation for consistently achieving this goal over the past 20 years, through the pages of our high quality professional and technical publications, and their complementary websites, we continually strive to serve our chosen audiences with current and topical news, leading-edge technical articles, and in-depth interviews with prominent influencers in the sectors in which we are active.

We do this without reference to commercial considerations. The highest levels of professional publishing principles have been adopted that means we will never charge a fee to have editorial featured in the magazines, or charge for images if they are also included. Editorial is selected purely on its ability to interest and engage our readerships. Since our readerships are the required commercial audience for many businesses, we offer our magazines as a highly effective route to market to influence decision-makers, safe in the knowledge that these key individuals have already become reliant on our products as high-quality sources of professional and technical information.

Our Publications

Healthcare Sector

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Clinical Services Journal

Clinical Services Journal (CSJ) is the magazine of choice for healthcare professionals seeking the latest information on best practice, research, current regulations and medical breakthroughs.

Exchanging knowledge and sharing educational insights across multidisciplinary teams is a key ambition of the health service and CSJ is uniquely positioned to inform and educate across a wide variety of specialties - including infection prevention, decontamination, operating theatres, endoscopy, intensive care, A&E, clinical engineering, pathology, tissue viability and many more.

With the NHS facing unprecedented challenges, strategies for safe, efficient delivery of health services is a key focus of the magazine. CSJ will also continue to feature breaking research, new guidance and commentary from leading experts to assist staff as they adjust to the new healthcare landscape.

Health Estate Journal

Health Estate Journal (HEJ) is the official publication for the members of IHEEM (the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management). Published since 1943, Health Estate Journal provides members with comprehensive information on the latest developments within healthcare engineering, estates administration, and facilities management.

In-depth technical articles with a strong engineering bias are complemented by up-to-the-minute Institute and industry news, reports on the latest products and technologies, and comprehensive previews describing some of the highlights at exhibitions, conferences, and technical seminars.

TCHE Website

The Care Home Environment

The Care Home Environment aims to keep readers up-to-date, through the pages of the monthly magazine, the website, daily social media updates and weekly e-newsletters, with the very latest news, views, and trends within the areas of construction, refurbishment, design and property management of the care home sector.

From interviews with leading social care personalities, agenda-setting thought leadership pieces, features by market-leading companies, and practical guidance from industry experts, The Care Home Environment magazine is an essential read for care home owners, managers and other sector professionals.

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The Network

The Network is the eye-catching and informative quarterly magazine of the Design in Mental Health Network (DiMHN), an organisation with considerable professional expertise which brings together all those with an interest in mental healthcare built environments to encourage the sharing of best practice in design, and to create improved and innovative solutions to aid recovery.

Today's mental healthcare facilities are a world away from the daunting asylums of former days, and indeed DiMHN firmly believes that - to be truly effective - modern mental healthcare provision should take place in environments that bring hope, are comfortable, therapeutic, and appropriate to those who use them.

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IFHE Digest

IHFE Digest is an annual publication produced on behalf of the The International Federation of Hospital Engineering (IFHE) and is distributed worldwide to over 13,000 members in more than 30 countries. It features a broad selection of peer-reviewed technical articles focusing on current key issues relating to healthcare architecture, and estate and facilities management.

IFHE is a non-profit, non-governmental body established in 1970 to enable national estates and engineering professional organisations to join in a worldwide federation. The purpose of IFHE is to encourage and facilitate exchange of information and experience in the broad field of hospital and healthcare facility design, construction, engineering, commissioning, maintenance, and estate management.

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Pathology in Practice

Pathology in Practice provides commercial companies with the choice and benefits of an independently published business magazine offering a direct route to the buyers and decision-makers within the UK's clinical laboratory market.

Targeting predominantly, but not exclusively, laboratory managers and senior staff in UK healthcare laboratories, Pathology in Practice provides a showcase for the latest industry news, innovative product information, editorial features and applied case studies that focus on current best practice, and covers the latest scientific, commercial and professional issues.

Personal Care Sector

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Personal Care Global

Since the year 2000, Personal Care Global magazine has provided cosmetic formulators with the latest ingredient information from the world's leading suppliers. It is now published in print and digital form ten times per year, reaching over 80,000 targeted professionals worldwide, made up of magazine readers, website users, e-newsletter subscribers and LinkedIn followers.

Personal Care Global magazine provides a unique service, focusing exclusively on presenting technical information on personal care and cosmetic ingredients.

At least 70% of the pages in every issue are editorial. This mostly comprises high-quality technical articles written by industry experts, academics, consultants and others, covering areas such as sun care, skin care, hair care, anti-ageing, naturals, sustainability, upcycling, and preservatives, among many others.

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Little Book Of...

Little Books are a series of publications that have been a valuable source of prototype formulations for formulators all over the world.

Two Little Books are produced each year and these handy A5 books are published with the same emphasis on quality and clarity as the magazine, making them a much sought-after publication by formulators all over the world.

Work With Us

As a small but growing business, we are always on the lookout for talented, professionally-minded, hard working individuals who share in our belief that successful magazines spring from putting the reader first. You do not necessarily need previous publishing experience - if you feel you can convince us that you have something to offer, we are more than happy to listen. In the first instance, send your CV with a covering letter to Trevor Moon.


Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information about what we do.

Step House, North Farm Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 3DR

+44 (0)1892 779999

FAX: +44 (0)1892 616177
